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Town of South Bristol Transfer Station


Normal household garbage can be disposed of in the dumpsters on the lower parking levels of the condominium buildings, via the chutes on the upper levels, or at the BHVA Refuse & Recycling Facility adjacent to the Community Center. Garbage must be placed in plastic bags and securely closed / tied shut before discarding.


Large volumes of trash, construction waste, out-of-cycle yard waste, bulky items, appliances, etc. must be disposed of at the Town of South Bristol Transfer Station located at 6098 Middlebrook Road. 


Town of South Bristol Transfer Station Website


Rules for use of the Transfer Station

  1. Resident User Pass is required for bagged garbage and may be purchase from the Town Clerk for $30.00. The Town Clerk’s office is located at 6500 W Gannett Hill Road, Naples, NY 14512.

  2. Each card allows 50 bags.

  3. All trash must be securely bagged.

  4. Blue recycling containers are available at the Town Clerk’s office during regular business hours at a cost of $6.00 each.


Transfer Station Hours of Operation:

Sat. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sun. 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Wed. 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm (June-September only)


Construction and Demolition (C/D):

A separate container has been installed for all metals EXCEPT refrigerators, freezers, air conditions, or any products that contain refrigerant. Obtaining a permit from the Town Clerk is no longer necessary.


Acceptable Items: Furniture, box springs, mattresses, small amounts of building materials wood, drywall, masonry products, carpet.


Not Acceptable Items: Trees, brush, leaves, soil, stumps, foul wastes, septic tank liquid, hazardous or industrial wastes (partially filled paint cans, hazardous materials, etc.), rubber products (tires, tubes), asbestos waste, bottles, cans, metal, plastic bags, refuse or garbage allowed.


Recycling Guidelines:


Acceptable Items: Cardboard, clean boxboard (shoe boxes, cereal boxes), office paper, magazines, newspapers, junk mail, envelopes, file folders, computer paper, card stock paper, aluminum cans, tin cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles #1 – #7.


Not Acceptable: Food Waste, Styrofoam, Plastic bags, printer cartridges, cell phones, batteries, computers or other electronics, glassware (Pyrex, light bulbs, window glass), ceramics.


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