BHVA Rules & Regulations
Prospective Homeowners Please Note:
When you purchase a property in this community, you agree to be bound by the Governing Documents, Rules and Regulations of the Bristol Harbour Village Association HOA, Environmental Committee and additional Neighborhood Association (COA or HOA, if applicable). Please read and understand the BHVA documents below and any additional applicable Neighborhood Association (COA or HOA) Rules and Regulations before purchasing. ​
BHVA Governing Documents
BHVA Rules & Regulations
It is important that you take time to read through the Bristol Harbour Village Association governing documents: Declaration / By-Laws / Rules & Regulations, if you have not done so already. These documents define responsibilities of the HOA and homeowners, what is permitted on the property, and what requires Board approval prior to any work being completed. If you did not receive these documents previously, you may visit and place an order for them. They may also be found on this BHVA webpage, the homeowners' password protected webpage, or on the Kenrick website:
This Bristol Harbour Village Association BHVA HOA webpage is also mirrored on the Kenrick Corporation website ( for your convenience. Here you may access Environmental Committee Applications (variance forms), Rules and Regulations, and other documents for your community. A password-protected area is provided for all homeowners to view financial statements, minutes for open board meetings, and other homeowner-only documents. Please contact our Management Company, Kenrick, to register as a BHVA Homeowner to receive access the Homeowner's password-protected area.
If you are experiencing a personal emergency requiring fire, medical, or police response, please call 911.
Urgent property-related matters may be reported to our after-hours answering service by calling Kenrick's main office number: (585) 424-1540.
You may submit service requests for your condominium building or BHVA Common Areas directly through your COA website, the button in the footer of every BHVA webpage, or the Kenrick Corporation website: You must be registered as a BHVA homeowner in order to submit service requests. Registration is usually very fast, but could take up to 3 days to verify and "go live". Once your registration is confirmed (via Text or Email, your choice), you will be able to make service requests and view their status.
Kindly complete the questionnaire form and return it to the Kenrick office as soon as possible. It is important that we have all the information requested on the form, including emergency contact information. Your information will not be sold or shared.
Please note: The BHVA Board of Directors (BoD), its committees and activity groups often send information to the Community via the Constant Contact group emailing service; your correct email must be on file with Kenrick to receive these important communications. If you are not receiving these, please check your Spam folder and unblock emails from Constant Contact, the email service used by BHVA.
We look forward to working together to build a strong partnership and a better community for all.
Anita E. Smith,
BHVA Portfolio Manager and
CEO, Kenrick Corporation